
A Classic

This is the first properly finished game I built for the 32blit console. It’s a classical breakout clone - destroy all the bricks, move on to the next level, and repeat.

There are 10 defined levels, after which you return to the start at an ever increasing speed (so 8-bit, much wow).

It’s also the first thing I ever got paid for on itch.io, so it has a special place in my heart!

The Code

Thanks to the power of the 32blit API, you’ll see that there are builds for multiple platforms available - Windows, Linux, MacOS, 32blit and PicoSystem. The code (along with the handy Actions that creates all those builds for me!) can be found at https://github.com/ahnlak-blit32/32blox.

The actual code probably isn’t too pretty by now; it was created in the early beta days, bashed around to get it slightly more in tune with the ‘release’ API and then bashed further, to handle running on the PicoSystem too.

So it might not be the best advert for the API, but it’s still a fully formed game that I actually enjoy playing - which is all you can ever realy hope for.

Making Games 32blit