A Growing Family
The RP2040 is a microprocessor from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the folks behind the Raspberry Pi (perhaps unsurprisingly!); it’s now been joined by it’s younger and faster sibling, the RP2350.
My first real exposure to this chip was in the marvellous PicoSystem which is an adorable little handheld now supported by the 32Blit ecosystem(among other platforms!)
Since then, I’ve steadily acquired a variety of Pico(W)s and largely Pico-based gadgets (my current addiction is the beautiful Galactic Unicorn, more about that later!) and seem to spend more and more of my time tinkering with them. I’ve no doubt some RP2350s will make it into the collection soon…
This is a list of all articles that are (at least partially!) about "rp2xxx"
The example clock that comes with the Galactic Unicorn is great, but it does have it’s issues.
So one of the first serious bits of coding I did for it was to rebuild that clock from scratch, in C++, and fix as many of the niggles as I could.
2040 Eight
The PicoSystem is an utterly delightful, and utterly ridiculously-small console. With a miniscule screen and based around an RP2040 controller, the obvious pun of building this 2048 clone was just too much to resist.
It’s basic and suffers from my generally poor artwork (and even poorer sound “effects”) but it’s a complete game.
2048 was originally created by Gabriele Cirulli but hopefully he’ll forgive me stealing his idea.