Web Stuff
A Wide Web
I’ve been fiddling with web and web-adjacent things for ages, although I’m not sure I’d declare myself to be an expert at any of it.
Occasionally, when I’ve struggled to work something out or get something working properly I try to write down what I’ve worked out - more to aid my own memory than for anyone else, but if it saves someone the same pain as I’ve been through then that’s good too.
This results in a chaotic and wide-ranging collection of topics; I’m not sure there’s an easier way to arrange it all, I’m afraid!
This is a list of all articles that are (at least partially!) about "Web Stuff"
Other Websites
Over the years I seem to have acquired quite a collection of websites; as with all development, they tend to live in a constant state of flux, as I keep finding new and interesting technologies to play with!
This is a list of the most important ones (although this is … relative)